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Smbexec Install for Kali 2016.2

This is my how-to current as of August 31, 2017.

Kali Linux 2016.2 after:
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt auto-remove

Training, see:


cd /opt
git clone
git clone
git clone /opt/NTDSXtract
wget -O /opt/NTDSXtract/

Install Required Tools/Libraries

apt-get install automake autoconf autopoint gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64 libtool pkg-config passing-the-hash ruby-nokogiri ruby-libxml libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev

Build libesbdb

cd /opt/libesedb/

Install Bundler
gem install bundler
Install Smbexec

First edit the file /opt/smbexec/smbexec.yml
Update the paths as follows:

mingw: /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc
esedbexport: /opt/libesedb/esedbtools/esedbexport

cd /opt/smbexec/

bundle install


Some external executables are missing:
ln -s /usr/bin/pth-winexe /opt/smbexec/progs/smbwinexe
ln -s /usr/bin/pth-smbclient /opt/smbexec/progs/smbexeclient

Done install.

Installation Troubleshooting
I was getting an error in utils.rb with one of my installs
The error had to do with this line:
self.gsub!(/[\xef|\xbb|\xbf]/, '')
The solution was to double backslash the bytes like this:
self.gsub!(/[\\xef|\\xbb|\\xbf]/, '')

I see with this install that someone replaced the line with this:
self.gsub!(/[\x00ef|\x00bb|\x00bf]/, '')

I found it advantageous to run the bundle install ahead of the There were a number of libraries that had to be installed that the Bundler was not able to manage on it's own.
You have to examine the errors indicated by Bundler and look for those libraries and install them.
The process looks like this for example:
Missing libxml2 indicated in bundle install output.
apt-cache search libxml2
--- snip ---
libxml2-dev - Development files for the GNOME XML library
--- snip ---
apt-get install  libxml2-dev

I hope this helps you now or some time in the future. Feel free to replicate this how-to for fame or posterity, or to update it to include resolutions for new issues.



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